
Solar power plants

Solar power plants

Solar power plants

Solar energy represents a reliable type of renewable energy source. In Hidroinženiring we provide two resources of solar power plants:

Off-grid solar electric plants

Obtaining electrical energy from an independent and non-networked source. Examples of such are mountain huts, holiday homes and other facilities, removed from networking sources. These are usually power plants with lower wattage (up to several kW), as they need to cover only the needs of the facilities they are attached to.

Network solar power plants

They gain electricity for the needs of a networked system. Such power plants, intended for a higher production of energy, can be connected to a power network and the energy can also be used in trade.

Hidroinženiring d.o.o., Vodovodna cesta 109, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,
tel: +386 1 56 03 700, fax: +386 1 56 84 502, e-mail: