
Sewage and central wasterwater treatment plant, Slovenjske Konjice, Slovenia

Sewage and central wasterwater treatment plant, Slovenjske Konjice, Slovenia

Sewage and central treatment plants

CAPACITY: Treatment Plant: 14.500PE, 9.600m of sewers, partly mixed, partly separate systems with four containment pools.
YEAR: December 2011 - December 2014

Slovenske Konjice treatment plant provides a tertiary level of treatment, which is the elimination of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. Mechanical pre-treatment (elimination of scraps, sand and grease) takes place in a compact combined systems installed in the technological facility. The biological process itself is carried out with the suspended biological mass in 4 sequential biological pools. The process is completely automated for dry and rainy mode operation. Excess of the sludge is being discharged from the process and is being condensed by a machine in a centrifuge.


Hidroinženiring d.o.o., Vodovodna cesta 109, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,
tel: +386 1 56 03 700, fax: +386 1 56 84 502, e-mail: